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Member Issue Survey


The purpose of the survey is to identify areas of concern as well as professional development needs for you and your co-workers so that we can collectively address them with the appropriate decision makers. The surveys are extremely important and will impact our work going forward. 


The surveys are also meant to engage with non-members that you have relationships with

to gain their input. This is an opportunity to not only get input on what matters to them, but

also have a conversation about why joining you as a member of FCFT is important if we are

to affect the much-needed changes here in Fairfax County!  You are also welcome to share with

members who may not have received the survey or feel more comfortable completing a paper





If you should need more copies of the survey or have any questions or concerns, please don’t

hesitate to contact the office at (703) 451-6840.

7405 Alban Station Ct.

Suite B215

Springfield, VA 22150



Phone: (703) 451-6840

Fax: (703) 644-0330


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Fairfax Co. Federation of Teachers represents all non-administrative certified and classified Fairfax County public school employees. we are the teachers, counselors, librarians, teaching assistants, clerical employees, bus drivers, custodians, food service, and other staff who work so hard to make our schools work. 



Fairfax County Federation of Teachers is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers and AFL-CIO. 

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