Who We Are
The Fairfax County Federation of Teachers represents all non-administrative certified and classified Fairfax County Public Schools employees. FCFT members are teachers, counselors, librarians, teaching assistants, clerical employees, bus drivers, custodians, food service, and other staff who work so hard to make our schools succeed. As a true labor union, FCFT only accepts educators and other staff as members and does not accept administrators.
The Fairfax County Federation of Teachers (FCFT) was chartered in 1972. FCFT is a local affiliate of the 1.7 million-member AFT (American Federation of Teachers), itself part of the broader labor movement through the AFL-CIO. Our membership consists of teachers, counselors, teaching assistants, clerical employees, bus drivers, custodians, food service and other non-administrative staff who have joined together to provide a strong voice for educators and students in Fairfax County, the statehouse, and the national level.
We believe public schools are the hearts of our communities.

As FCFT members, we organize to make our schools better by putting pressure on FCPS and our elected officials, and lobbying local and state government for policies that directly affect educators and working families. FCFT members are fighting to strengthen educator voice in the school system through measures like collective bargaining. FCFT supports pro-education, pro-worker candidates in local and state elections.